Bab 9: Bahan Buatan dalam Industri
Chapter 9: Manufactured Substances in Industry
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9.1 Pembuatan Asid Sulfurik
9.1 Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid
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9.2 Pembuatan Ammonia dan Garamnya
9.2 Manufacture of Ammonia and its Salt
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9.3 Aloi
9.3 Alloys
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9.4 Polimer Sintetik dan Penggunaannya
9.4 Synthetic Polymers and Their Uses
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9.5 Penggunaan Kaca dan Seramik
9.5 The Uses of Glass and Ceramics
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9.6 Penggunaan Bahan Kompisit
9.6 The Uses of Composite Materials
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