SPM Kimia Tingkatan 5

Tingkatan 4 Form 4 Tingkatan 5Form 5
Isi KandunganTable of Contents

Bab 1: Kadar Tindak balas Chapter 1: Rate of Reaction
1.1 Kadar Tindak Balas 1.1 Rate of Reaction
1.1.1 - Aktiviti Makmal : Pengukuran Kadar Tindak Balas 1.1.1 - Laboratory Activity : Measuring Rate of Reaction
1.2 Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kadar Tindak Balas 1.2 Factors Affecting the Rate of Reaction
1.2.1 - Aktiviti Makmal : Kesan Luas Permukaan ke atas Kadar Tindak Balas 1.2.1 - Laboratory Activity: The Effect of Surface Area on the Rate of Reaction
1.2.2 - Aktiviti Makmal : Kesan Kepekatan ke atas Kadar Tindak Balas 1.2.2 - Laboratory Activity: The Effect of Concentration of the Reactant on the Rate of Reaction
1.2.3 - Aktiviti Makmal : Kesan Suhu ke atas Kadar Tindak Balas 1.2.3 - Laboratory Activity : The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Reaction
1.2.4 - Aktiviti Makmal : Kesan Mangkin ke atas Kadar Tindak Balas 1.2.4 - Laboratory Activity : The Effect of a Catalyst on the Rate of Reaction
1.3 Teori Perlanggaran 1.3 Collision Theory

Bab 2: Sebatian Karbon Chapter 2: Carbon Compounds
2.1 Sebatian Karbon 2.1 Carbon Compounds
2.2 Alkana 2.2 Alkanes
2.3 Alkena
2.3.1 - Aktiviti Makmal 2.3.1 - Laboratory Activity : Comparing the Properties between Alkane and Alkene in terms of their Combustion Flame
2.3.2 - Aktiviti Makmal 2.3.2 - Laboratory Activity : Comparing the Chemical Properties between Alkane and Alkene
2.4 Isomerisme 2.4 Isomerism
2.5 Alkohol 2.5 Alcohols
2.5.1 - Aktiviti Makmal 2.5.1 - Laboratory Activity : Preparation of Ethanol
2.5.2 - Aktiviti Makmal 2.5.2 - Laboratory Activity : Chemical Properties of Ethanol
2.6 Asid Karbosilik 2.6 Carboxylic Acids
2.7 Ester 2.7 Ester
2.7.1 - Aktiviti Makmal 2.7.1 - Laboratory Activity : Preparation of Ester in Laboratory
2.8 Lemak 2.8 Fats
2.9 Getah Asli 2.9 Natural Rubber
2.9.1 - Aktiviti Makmal 2.9.1 - Laboratory Activity : Coagulation of Latex
2.9.2 - Aktiviti Makmal 2.9.2 - Laboratory Activity : Characteristic of Vulcanised and Unvulcanised Rubber

Bab 3: Pengoksidaan dan Penurunan Chapter 3: Oxidation and Reduction
3.1 Pengoksidaan dan Penurunan 3.1 Oxidation and Reduction
3.1.1 - Aktiviti Makmal 3.1.1 - Laboratory Activity : The Combustion of Magnesium in Oxygen
3.1.2 - Aktiviti Makmal 3.1.2 - Laboratory Activity : Change of Iron (II) Ions to Iron (III) Ions
3.1.3 - Aktiviti Makmal 3.1.3 - Laboratory Activity: Change of Iron (III) Ions to Iron (II) Ions
3.1.4 - Aktiviti Makmal 3.1.4 - Laboratory Activity: Displacement of Metals from its Salt Solution
3.2 Pengaratan Sebagai Satu Tindak Balas Redoks 3.2 Rusting as a Redox Reaction
3.2.1 - Aktiviti Makmal 3.2.1 - Laboratory Activity: Effect of Iron Nails when in Contact with Other Metals
3.3 Siri Kereaktifan dan Aplikasinya 3.3 Formation of Covalent Bonds
3.3.1 - Aktiviti Makmal 3.3.1 - Laboratory Activity : Reactivity of Metals with Oxygen
3.3.2 - Aktiviti Makmal 3.3.2 - Laboratory Activity: Position of Carbon in the Reactivity Series
3.3.3 - Aktiviti Makmal 3.3.3 - Laboratory Activity: Position of Hydrogen in the Reactivity Series
3.4 Tindak Balas Redoks dalam Sel Elektrolisis dan Sel Kimia 3.4 Redox Reactions in Electrolytic and Chemical Cells
3.4.1 - Aktiviti Makmal 3.4.1 - Laboratory Activity: Redox Reactions in Electrolytic and Chemical Cells

Bab 4: Termokimia Chapter 4: Thermochemistry
4.1 Perubahan Tenaga Dalam Tindak Balas Kimia 4.1 Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions
4.2 Haba Pemendakan 4.2 Heat of Precipitation
4.2.1 - Aktiviti Makmal 4.2.1 - Laboratory Activity : Heat of Precipitation of Silver Chloride
4.3 Haba Penyesaran 4.3 Heat of Displacement
4.3.1 - Aktiviti Makmal 4.3.1 - Laboratory Activity : Heat of Displacement of Copper
4.4 Haba Peneutralan 4.4 Heat of Neutralisation
4.41 - Aktiviti Makmal 4.4.1 - Laboratory Activity : Heat of Neutralisation between a Strong Acid and a Strong Alkali
4.5 Haba Pembakaran 4.5 Heat of Combustion
4.5.1 - Aktiviti Makmal 4.5.1 - Laboratory Activity : Heat of Combustion of Different Alcohol

Bab 5: Bahan Kimia Untuk Pengguna Chapter 5: Chemicals for Consumers
5.1 Sabun Dan Detergen 5.1 Soaps and Detergents
5.1.1 - Aktiviti Makmal 5.1.1 - Laboratory Activity : Preparation of Soap by Saponification
5.2 Bahan Tambahan Makanan 5.2 Food Additives
5.3 Ubat 5.3 Medicines

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