
SPM Kimia

Tingkatan 4Form 4 Tingkatan 5 Form 5
Isi KandunganTable of Contents

Bab 1: Pengenalan kepada Kimia Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry
1.1 Kimia dan Kepentingannya 1.1 Chemistry and its importance
1.2 Kaedah Saintifik 1.2 Scientific Method
1.2.1 Aktiviti Makmal : Kaedah Penyiasatan Saintifik 1.2.1 Laboratory Activity : Scientific Investigation method

Bab 2: Struktur Atom Chapter 2: The Structure of the Atom
2.1 Jirim 2.1 Matter
2.1.1 Aktiviti Makmal : Mengkaji resapan zarah-zarah dalam gas, cecair dan pepejal 2.1.1 Laboratory Activity : Investigating the Diffusion of Particles in a Gas, Liquid and Solid
2.1.2 Aktiviti Makmal: Menentukan takat lebur naftalena 2.1.2 Laboratory Activity : Determining the Melting Point of Naphthalene
2.2 Struktur Atom 2.2 Atomic Structure
2.3 Isotop dan Kepentingannya 2.3 Isotopes and Their Importance
2.4 Struktur Elektron Atom 2.4 Electronic Structure of Atoms

Bab 3: Formula dan Persamaan Kimia Chapter 3: Chemical Formulae and Equations
3.1 Jisim Atom Relatif dan Jisim Molekul Relatif 3.1 Relative atom Mass and Relative molecular Mass
3.2 Mol dan Bilangan Zarah 3.2 Number of Moles and the Number of Particles
3.3 Mol dan Jisim Bahan 3.3 Number of Moles and Mass
3.4 Mol dan Isi Padu Gas 3.4 Number of Moles and Its Molar Volume
3.5 Formula Kimia 3.5 Chemical Formulae
3.5.1 Aktiviti Makmal : Menentukan Formula Empirik Kuprum Oksida 3.5.1 Laboratory Activity : Determining the Empirical Formula of Copper Oxide
3.5.2 - Aktiviti Makmal : Menentukan Formula Empirik Magnesium Oksida 3.5.2 - Laboratory Activity : Determining the Empirical Formula of Magnesium Oxide
3.6 Persamaan Kimia 3.6 Chemical Equations

Bab 4: Berkala Unsur Chapter 4: Periodic Table of Elements
4.1 Jadual Berkala Unsur 4.1 The Periodic Table of Elements
4.2 Unsur Kumpulan 18 4.2 Group 18 Elements
4.3 Unsur Kumpulan 1 4.3 Group 1 Elements
4.3.1 - Aktiviti Makmal : Mengkaji Tindak Balas Antara Logam Alkali Dengan Oksigen 4.3.1 - Laboratory Activity : Studying the Reaction of Alkali Metals with Oxygen
4.3.2 - Aktiviti Makmal : Mengkaji Tindak Balas Antara Logam Alkali Dengan Air 4.3.2 - Laboratory Activity : Studying the Reaction of Alkali Metals with Water
4.3.3 - Aktiviti Makmal : Mengkaji Tindak Balas Antara Logam Alkali Dengan halogen 4.3.3 - Laboratory Activity : Studying the Reaction of Alkali Metals with Halogens
4.4 Unsur Kumpulan 17 4.4 Group 17 Elements
4.4.1 - Aktiviti Makmal : Mengkaji Tindak Balas Antara Klorin, bromin dan Iodin Dengan Air 4.4.1 - Laboratory Activity : Studying the Reaction of Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine with Water
4.4.2 - Aktiviti Makmal : Mengkaji Tindak Balas Antara Halogen Dengan Besi 4.4.2 - Laboratory Activity : Studying the Reaction of Halogens with Iron Wool
4.4.3 - Aktiviti Makmal : Mengkaji Tindak Balas Antara Halogen Dengan Larutan Natrium Hidroksida Akueus 4.4.3 - Laboratory Activity : Studying the Reaction of Halogens with Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide Solution.
4.5 Unsur dalam Kala 4.5 Elements in a period
4.5.1 - Aktiviti Makmal : Menentukan sifat-sifat oksida unsur-unsur dalam Kala 3 4.5.1 - Laboratory Activity : Determining the Properties of Oxide of Elements in Period 3.
4.6 Unsur Peralihan 4.6 Transition Elements

Bab 5: Ikatan Kimia Chapter 5: Chemical Bonds
5.1 Pembentukan Sebatian 5.1 Formation of compounds
5.2 Pembentukan Ikatan Ion 5.2 Formation of Ionic Bonds
5.2.1 - Aktiviti Makmal : Penyediaan Sebatian Ionik 5.2.1 - Laboratory Activity : Preparation of Ionic Compounds
5.3 Pembentukan Ikatan Kovalen 5.3 Formation of Covalent Bonds
5.4 Sifat Sebatian Ionik dan Sebatian Kovalen 5.4 The Properties of ionic and Covalent Compounds
5.4.1 - Aktiviti Makmal : Mengkaji sifat-sifat fizik bagi sebatian ionik dan kovalen 5.4.1 - Laboratory Activity : To Study the Physical Properties of Ionic and Covalent Compound

Bab 6: Elektrokimia Chapter 6: Electrochemistry
6.1 Sifat Elektrolit dan Bukan Elektrolit 6.1 Properties of Electrolytes and Non-electrolytes
6.1.1 - Aktiviti Makmal : Elektrolit and Bukan Elektrolit 6.1.1 - Laboratory Activity : Electrolytes and Non-Electrolytes
6.2 Elektrolisis Sebatian Lebur 6.2 Electrolysis of Molten Compounds
6.2.1 - Aktiviti Makmal : Elektrolisis Sebatian Lebur 6.2.1 - Laboratory Activity : Electrolysis of Molten Compounds
6.3 Elektrolisis Larutan Akueus 6.3 Electrolysis of aqueous solutions
6.3.1 - Aktiviti Makmal : Kedudukan ion Dalam Siri Elektrokimia 6.3.1 - Laboratoty Activity : Positions of Ions in the Electrochemical Series
6.3.2 - Aktiviti Makmal : Kepekatan ion Dalam Larutan Elektrolit 6.3.2 - Laboratory Activity : Concentration of Ions in Electrolyte Solution
6.3.3 - Aktiviti Makmal : Jenis-jenis Elektrod 6.3.3 - Laboratory Activity : Types of Electrodes
6.4 Eletrolisis dalam Industri 6.4 Electrolysis in Industry
6.5 Sel Kimia 6.5 Voltaic Cell
6.6 Siri Elektrokimia 6.6 The Electrochemical Series
6.6.1 - Aktiviti Makmal : Membina Siri Elektrokimia Berdasarkan Beza Keupayaan Antara Dua Logam 6.6.1 - Laboratory Activity : Constructing the Electrochemical Series Based on the Potential Difference Between Two Metals
6.6.2 - Aktiviti Makmal : Untuk Membina Siri Elektrokimia Berdasarkan Penyesaran Logam 6.6.2 - Laboratory Activity : Constructing an Electrochemical Series Based on the Displacement of Metals

Bab 7: Asid dan Bes Chapter 7: Acids and Bases
7.1 Asid dan Bes 7.1 Acids and Bases
7.1.1 - Aktiviti Makmal : Peranan air untuk menunjukkan sifat-sifat asid 7.1.1 - Laboratory Activity : Role of Water to Show Properties of Acids
7.1.2 - Aktiviti Makmal : Peranan air untuk menunjukkan sifat-sifat alkali 7.1.2 - Laboratory Activity : Role of Water to Show Properties of Alkalis
7.1.3 - Aktiviti Makmal : Sifat-sifat asid 7.1.3 - Laboratory Activity : Properties of an Acid
7.2 Kekuatan Asid dan Alkali 7.2 The strength of acids and alkalis
7.3 Kepekatan Asid dan Alkali 7.3 Concentration of Acid and Alkali 7.3.3 - Laboratory Activity : Relationship Between the pH Value and Molarity of Acidic Solutions and an Alkali
7.3.1 - Aktiviti Makmal : Penyediaan Larutan Piawai 7.3.1 - Laboratory Activity : Preparation of a Standard Solution
7.3.2 - Aktiviti Makmal : Penyediaan Larutan dengan Kepekatan Tertentu Melalui Kaedah Pencairan 7.3.2 - Laboratory Activity : Preparation of Solution of Certain Concentration Using the Dilution Method
7.3.3 - Aktiviti Makmal : Hubungan antara Nilai pH dengan Kemolaran bagi Asid dan Alkali
7.4 Peneutralan 7.4 Neutralization
7.4.1 - Aktiviti Makmal : Pentitratan Asid-bes 7.4.1 - Laboratory Activity : Acid-base Titration

Bab 8: Garam Chapter 8: Salts
8.1 Garam 8.1 Salts
8.1.1 - Aktiviti Makmal 8.1.1 - Laboratory Activity : Preparation of Soluble Salt Potassium and Sodium Salts
8.1.2 - Aktiviti Makmal 8.1.2 - Laboratory Activity : Preparation of Non-potassium and Non-sodium Soluble Salts.
8.1.3 - Aktiviti Makmal 8.1.3 - Laboratory Activity : Preparation of Insoluble Salts
8.1.4 - Aktiviti Makmal 8.1.4 - Laboratory Activity : Constructing an Ionic Equation Through the Continuous Variation Method
8.2 Analisis Kualitatif Garam 8.2 Qualitative Analysis of Salts
8.2.1 - Aktiviti Makmal 8.2.1 - Laboratory Activity : Test for Anions
8.2.2 - Aktiviti Makmal 8.2.2 - Laboratory Activity : Qualitative Analysis of Salts

Bab 9: Bahan Buatan dalam Industri Chapter 9: Manufactured Substances in Industry
9.1 Pembuatan Asid Sulfurik 9.1 Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid
9.2 Pembuatan Ammonia dan Garamnya 9.2 Manufacture of Ammonia and its Salt
9.2.1 - Aktiviti Makmal 9.2.1 - Laboratory Activity : Preparation of Ammonium Sulphate
9.3 Aloi 9.3 Alloys
9.3.1 - Aktiviti Makmal 9.3.1 - Laboratory Activity : Investigating the Difference in Hardness of an Alloy and a Pure Metal
9.3.2 - Aktiviti Makmal 9.3.2 - Laboratory Activity : Comparing the Rate of Corrosion of Iron, Steel and Stainless Steel
9.4 Polimer Sintetik dan Penggunaannya 9.4 Synthetic Polymers and Their Uses
9.5 Penggunaan Kaca dan Seramik 9.5 The Uses of Glass and Ceramics
9.6 Penggunaan Bahan Kompisit 9.6 The Uses of Composite Materials

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